Day 9 Senior Project

 Work Day 9

May 18th, 2023 - I have returned yet again to give you my dear audience a most magnificent update on my senior project. Today I got quite a lot done. I first off found out what was causing the error I mentioned in my last post. I had simply forgotten to initially call upon "UnityEngine.SceneManagement".  I then ran into another error which I quickly realized was due to the fact that I was misspelling the name of the class I was trying to call.

After these errors were cleared up I began work on creating the text system for the game. This system will allow the player to speak to NPCs as well as add small text messages upon picking up an item, or damage numbers when hitting an enemy. I started off by creating a FloatingText class which is shown below.

    I then created the FloatingTextManager class and added a segment to the GameManager class. After this, I attempted to utilize what I had done by adding to the Chest class to have it show "+ x-amount Coins" when collided with. Unfortunately, I ran into a NullReferenceException error. Despite spending a large amount of time attempting to find the cause of the error, I was unable to and will check in with my mentor Spencer tomorrow to see if he has any insight into the cause of the error.

    After concluding that I was not going to be able to find the solution to the error on my own I moved on from the text system and began work on the combat system. I selected a weapon sprite and attached it to the character sprite. I then began working on a new Weapon class which would contain all the information relevant to the character's weapon, damage dealt, swing speed, sprite, etc. 

Hours Today: 6 hours 10 minutes

Hours Total: 34 hours
