Day 5 of Senior Project

 Work Day 5

    Yet again, I continue my wonderous video game. Today I spent my time fixing textures. For some reason, unbeknownst to me unity is causing colors to sort of bleed in the tilesets. Some textures are just slightly disfigured. It's unnoticeable in the individual tile, but when you put them together on the map you can see the repeating slightly different colors. 

    As you can see in the above images the textures have been fixed. The first image is an older one where you can see the lines across the floor tiles. The second you can see the lines are gone. I also added the stones beneath the coffin.
    I would like to note that the process of fixing the textures was quite annoying and tedious. I had to edit the image file, then delete the tiles from the pallet, re-add them as the fixed version, then paint the correct versions onto the map again.

Hours Today: 1 hour 30 minutes

Hours Total: 16 hours 50 minutes
